The very act of writing can have so many benefits for our mental and emotional health, and boost our creativity too. Journalling is a hugely powerful practice that has plenty of compelling scientific evidence to back it' benefits up.

Developing a daily writing practice is a great idea - but where to start? That blank page can be daunting!

This is a course where we’ll explore many different types of journaling, in simple ways, that anyone can do. I'll also help you find time in your day to do it, and help it be something you really love to do.

Journalling can help you clear mental clutter (great for reducing stress), get creative, and also learn a little more about yourself.

The course

This 8 module course will bring journalling and it's many benefits to life simply and effective. You'll get to explore 12 different journalling styles, from Morning Pages to Journalling with Prompts, to Self-Compassion Journalling to using Nature for Journalling.

You'll develop accessible, go-to journaling techniques to use and benefit from straight away.

And you'll learn practical and simple ways to build it into your day - so enjoy it.

This journalling course can help you to:

~ taking positive action for your own self-care

~ create a more positive mind-set

~ boost self-confidence

~ be more in tune with yourself

~ unlock your creativity

What to expect:

Bite Sized Teachings

Short mini lessons, in both video and written format, that you can dive into anytime. You'll learn about 12 different types of journalling.

Printable Resources

A gorgeus 50 page workbook. With printable guides and worksheets for each journalling type, plus journal prompts and a tracker.

BONUS Meditations

Beautiful guided meditations and bonus visualisations and breathing practice to support your journalling.

Course Overview

There are 8 easy to digest modules, with a mixture of video and text for each lesson.

Along with a 50 page workbook, downloadable audio MP3's, worksheets and printables for you to work with throughout the course.

We cover all of this

  • How to Journal & why
  • What Your Need - the Practical Stuff
  • Creating a daily journalling ritual
  • Learn 12 different types of journalling
  • How to overcome challenges to your journalling
  • Reflecting on your journalling

How the course works

It is super flexible, and you go at your own pace. You can access the course via your tablet, phone or computer. But then do your journalling on paper, a notebook or by printing the worksheets - your choice.

Let me tell you what journalling can do...

You already have all the answers you need within you. Journalling can teach you to listen to yourself and trust the answers you find there.

Journalling can be hugely powerful, yet it is so simple. It gives you a direct line to yourself, so you can unlock your potential and understand yourself better.

It can help you flourish in both your home and work life.